Monday, June 2, 2014


Assalamualaikum wbt lovebirds! It's been awhile huh? I seriously forgot that I have a blog. Saw someone tweeted about updating her blog and I suddenly remember that I do have one. Decided to look on it, and here I am typing a post. Well, as for that Imma update about my current life. It wouldn't be long, I promise hehe

Alhamdulillah, in a month time, genap setahun Ezaa pakai tudung :) I've started wearing tudung on the first Ramadhan 2013. Alhamdulillah terbuka hati dan masih kekal sampai sekarang. Masih jahil, masih dalam proses memperbaiki diri dan mendekatkan diri dgn Allah. Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi petunjukNya untuk hamba yg jahil seperti aku, Amin Ya Rabb. Studies? Yeah I've finished my second year and I'll be back on track for my 5th sem next week, 9th June 2014. How time flies! Family mm alhamdulillah everything is just ok, alhamdulillah semua masih sihat, all of my family members: Ayah, Ibu, Abang and Adik :) Next is my friends, alahai biasalah. Ada kawan yg jadi lawan, tapi lawan secara sihat hehehe I feel so grateful and thankful to Allah that now I can see which one of them yang betul2 kawan. Thank you Allah. Relationship huh? Haha remember my last post I talked about this one guy? Haha we broke, get back together and broke up again 3 months ago. Kami hanya mampu merancang, tapi Allah yg menentukan segalanya. Kalau sememangnya dia jodoh Ezaa, walau mcm mana Ezaa taknak pun Ezaa kena terima. Dan sekiranya dia bukan jodoh Ezaa, semoga Allah menjodohkan beliau dengan orang lebih baik, yg selayaknya dengan dia. Allah's plans are always the greatest, He knows whats best for us, sesungguhnya Kau sebaik-baik Pencipta, ya Rahman ya Rahim. Ermmm what next? I guess no moooooore, I've promise not to write to so long hehe so yeah, that's all about me. That's the moooost recent lah kot so far hihi jadi harapnya korang semua are in a good shape, semoga semua sihat2 belaka dan teruskan usaha untuk menjadi seorang insan yang lebih baik ;)

Oh yes, Ezaa saaaaaaaaangat jarang buka blog. So kalau rasa nak baca Ezaa update selalu, merepek selalu, feel free to follow me on Twitter and Instagram; @ezaaazimi :)

Nah kita belanja sikit

Adios Amigos, Assalamualaikum x